The Area Partnership has been in existence for over a decade and some of the projects it has delivered are illustrative of what can be achieved through working together.
1. A Prosperous community – life should feel better for both those living and working in the area.
Black Bull Close….giving our young the skills to develop a positive future.

The full details of the Black Bull project can be found at and the Area Partnership has been delighted to support this initiative which has been led and delivered by one of the Area Partnership members, The Ridge.
The Ridge has shown how young people can be led to prosper by giving them the skills in masonry, joinery, cooking and gardening that will equip them for the job market. Frequently the apprentices have lost their way at school, and now leave The Ridge with a feeling of self-worth and pride in their new skills.
The project meets the aspiration to be community-minded and will provide facilities in the new Black Bull rooms for those offering such services as mental health support or debt advice. The team is nearly there, getting ready for an October opening!

The goals of the Black Bull project are based on the principles of fairness, giving young people the chance to develop skills they would otherwise not have had access to, and providing a safe place for those in the community who are currently fragile, but looking for a route back into a more stable and happy life.
2. A Community minded area – supporting our community assets, environment and need for active travel.

The Pledgehog project…bringing community together to value our environment
Sustaining Dunbar is a DELAP member. In 2023 its Pledgehog Project was officially launched in 2023 when DELAP funding enabled Jen Walker to work as the Project Officer. She encouraged people to engage with helping hedgehogs in their area.
As well as the obvious advantages to the hedgehogs, more wildlife-friendly gardens and wildlife corridors have been opened up across the town, benefiting insect and animal life too.
People have become more connected with their neighbours through the Pledgehog project. It has helped with social isolation and mental health issues in the town. Sustaining Dunbar has for many years led the way in the town, encouraging us to be community-minded and aware of the precious environment that is around us.
The Green Therapy, getting people out in the fresh air, working together on community projects can also be seen in Sustaining Dunbar’s leadership of the Belhaven Community Garden. DELAP is supportive of the Sustaining Dunbar’s plan to buy the garden for the community. For more than twelve years the garden has helped many to lead happier and more healthy lives. So this project also leads us into a fairer place in which to live, with equality of opportunities for those suffering from loneliness or mental health frailities.
3. A Fair place in which to live – with better healthcare and equality of opportunity.
Dunbar Dementia Network – helping those living with dementia.
The arrival of dementia into a family can so often create real inequalities of opportunity, not only for the person with dementia, but also for that person’s carer. The ability to get out to lead a normal worry-free life can be greatly restricted.
DELAP has helped Dunbar Dementia Network with the programmes run by Lorna Bunney and her team of wonderful volunteers. The charity organises weekly meetings –

and special outings –

that provide a highly valued break and stimulation for people who can feel quite trapped by the arrival of dementia.