Current Plans

The Area Partnership’s plans are consistent with the East Lothian Plan. The objectives of both plans are to deliver –

1. A Prosperous community – life should feel better for both those living and working in the area.

2. A Community minded area – supporting our community assets, environment and need for active travel.

3. A Fair place in which to live – with better healthcare and equality of opportunity.

The current priorities are drawn up in the knowledge that the Area Partnership’s financial and human resources are limited. However, through these plans, the Area partnership can make a difference –

2024/25 Priorities

We are currently consulting with all of our community groups in the DELAP area and will let you know which of the plans are most readily deliverable in 2024/25 as soon as we have received the feed-back.

Health & Wellbeing

Laura Chant of the NHS led a workshop in October, attended by members of the Area Partnership with support from the general public.

We identified the Circle of Concern that includes the major subjects relating to Health over which the Area Partnership has no influence or control. We then moved on to the Circle of Influence which are Health matters that we can talk to others about, before concentrating on the Circle of Control which are the subjects that the Area Partnership can take action on to make a real difference (albeit in small ways) the the health of our Community.

These actions are:-

Improved access to healthy foods
SpecificDELAP will support projects that promote healthy eating, including cooking with fresh ingredients
MeasurableThe number of projects supported in a year, probably but not necessarily with financial help.
Protection of our blue and green spaces for exercise
SpecificDELAP will support projects that promote exercise in the area
MeasurableThe number of projects supported in a year, probably but not necessarily with financial help.
Reduce drug and alcohol abuse
SpecificDELAP will support thespace and The Ridge and similar third sector organisations with initiatives to help reduce drug and alcohol abuse. Also promote the places where help can be sought
MeasurableThe number of projects supported in a year, probably but not necessarily with financial help. NHS data
Residents should feel that their voices are being heard
SpecificDELAP will promote views that are expressed by the community on health matters to the NHS, ELC and the Scottish Government.
MeasurableThe level of correspondence and meetings 
Develop a more connected community with a positive attitude
SpecificDELAP will write positively to community groups to encourage them to identify their barriers to progress so that DELAP can help to remove them through its collective resources. DELAP will also support initiatives that pull together details of what is available in the area, so that like-minded individuals or groups can connect up positively with each other.
MeasurableBy the level of contact DELAP has made with community groups.By the literature that tells the community what is available in the area.
Improved mental health for all ages, but especially young people
SpecificDELAP will support the work done by The Ridge, Sustaining Dunbar (Belhaven Garden), Dunbar Dementia Network, Dunbar Day Centre and similar third sector organisations working with mental health.It will also support anyone who is aiming to start up an organisation that will help people with mental health challenges.
MeasurableNumber of projects supported, and new organisations established.
Improved access for the community to information and activity
SpecificDELAP will promote activities in the area, and will improve its channels of communication to the community
MeasurableRegular newsletters, Facebook updates and a relevant website
More social contact and friendship to support health – intergenerational activities
SpecificDELAP will support the work of the Intergenerational Group. It will also support any group wishing to establish ways of improving social contact in our community.
MeasurableNumber of projects supported, and new organisations established.
Increased opportunities for people to be active, not just sport
SpecificDELAP will support opportunities that enable people in the area to engage with arts & crafts, drama, literature and similar activities that are not sports related.
MeasurableThe number of such opportunities that have received support.
Increased community resilience
SpecificDELAP will provide assistance with the community resilience planning in the area
MeasurableRelevance of the community resilience plans in the area.