Your Area Partnership exists to make life better for those living in Dunbar and West Barns, East Linton and the surrounding villages. This area is covered by the four Community Councils, Dunbar, West Barns, Dunpender and East Lammermuir, but there are some matters that are best moved forward together rather than individually. Through the Area Partnership we can support each other to achieve better results.
The Area Partnership currently has a budget of £45,000 in 2024/25 to help achieve improvements. It also has a group of willing volunteers who give of their time to help community groups with their projects.
The Partnership is a coming together of the four Community Councils, supported by members of key community groups, including our schools, and East Lothian Council. It provides a channel of communication which allows local people to suggest how Council services might be more effectively provided.
Please read about our current activities, enjoy the successes of the past, and get in touch with us if we can be of any help to you.